Girls think it's cute, guys think it's funny. But for John Earl, aka Johnny Cupcakes, it all started as a joke. While working at Newbury Comics in Boston, MA Johnny had many nicknames but for some reason Johnny Cupcakes stuck. At the same time he was working at a silkscreen shop and printed a few shirts with "Johnny Cupcakes" on them. The shirts quickly caught on and soon he was selling these shirts out of his beat-up 89' behind the store. Johnny was also in a band and would sell more Johnny Cupcakes shirts then actual band merch.

Fast-forward 9 years and Johnny now has 3 stores (Hull, Boston and LA) and as off just a few days ago will open his first international store in London, UK. Not bad for a 28 year old college dropout. All of Johnny's garments are limited edition and you can only buy them online or in his very exclusive stores.

In March of this year I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Cupcakes himself for my school. I was nervous to meet him but he's so personable it was almost like we were old friends meeting up again. A lot can be learned from this man including business, intellectual property, employee relationships, marketing, customer relations etc. Make sure to follow him on twitter and check out his facebook page!
Have you had your cupcake today?