Tomorrow Ashtray Electric & Gazelle will make their way to The Assembly and finish the last shoot for the music video, "Take A Seat". This shoot will be added with the animation piece we did to bring you one of the most anticipated music videos. As of now we're looking at a mid December release online and on MK. Xander Ferreira will lead tomorrows shoot and I can assure you he will deliver an amazing piece! See more of Xanders' work here: http://xanderferreira.withtank.com/about/
Here's more on the location for tomorrow; The Assembly has grown from new kid on the block to well established giant within Cape Town's live music scene. In times to come the venue will maintain its massive following simply by doing what it does best: consistently showcasing only the best and brightest musicians and DJ's from all genres, be they local or international, rising stars or household names.