As a manager it's your responsibility to find the best-suited venue for your bands' genre since the venues location and music style will sell your band. In a recent study it was shown that artists make most of their money playing live then actual album sales. So it's even more critical to get the venue right.
The most recent study shows that the music industry generated just over $1 billion in 2008, while the live music scene generated over $1.3 billion. We now have a situation where live has officially taken over recorded. In this day and age where music piracy plays a major role in music sales it’s a band managers job to book as many financially successful shows as possible.
It’s important for bands to realize that their main revenue stream will be live shows and because of that, bands will have to reflect on their live stage performance. Playing on key live is one thing but now bands will have to look at other things like lights, stage props and visuals. Putting these 3 things together in a unique, interesting way will attract more people to your show. Any band/artist can set-up stage with their instruments and play but only a few can master a theatrical performance. If done right, word of mouth will spread about your stage set-up, so now your not just known for your music but a great live theatrical show as well.
A good resource of venues is the Musician's Atlas. (It's also has a lot more information other than venues). They put one out every year, with City by City, State by State listings and contact info.
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